Ex parte DIBIASE et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 94-3371                                                           
          Application 07/986,878                                                       

          Again, an amount comprising about 0.1 to about 20% can hardly be             
          considered a “trace amount.”  The examiner has not presented any             
          scientific reasoning to conclude that a “minor amount” of a                  
          metal salt of a dihydrocarbyldithiophosphoric acid would not                 
          materially affect the claimed process.  Accordingly, for the                 
          reasons given above the rejection of claims 15-17 under 35 U.S.C.            
          § 103 over Nadler is reversed.                                               
                               Non-Enablement Rejection                                
               The examiner has found the claims to be non-enabling under              
          the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 on the ground that “the               
          disclosure is enabling only for claims limited to the                        
          specifically disclosed dispersant” (Answer, page 5).  The                    
          examiner concluded that undue experimentation would be required              
          because “the specification presents no correlation between                   
          structure and function which would enable one of ordinary skill              
          in the art to reasonably predict which of the myriad dispersants             
          included by the claims would be useful and which would not be                
          useful” (Answer page 5).  We will reverse this rejection for                 
          essentially those reasons expressed in appellants’ Brief.  The               
          examiner’s conclusion lacks supporting scientific reasoning                  
          and/or evidence to persuade us that a correlation, or the lack               
          thereof, between structure and function is required to enable one            


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