Ex parte DIBIASE et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 94-3371                                                           
          Application 07/986,878                                                       

          skilled in the art to practice the invention.  Appellants have               
          cited numerous patents in their specification for making the                 
          claimed dispersants which we consider to be more than adequate to            
          convey to one skilled in the art how to make the dispersants and             
          to make a determination of which dispersants would be useful to              
          practice the ivention.  For these reasons, we are unpersuaded                
          that undue experimentation would be required to make such a                  
                     Obviousness-Type Double Patenting Rejection                       
               Claims 2-7, 9-17 and 73 have been rejected under the                    
          judicially created doctrine of obviousness-type double patenting             
          as being unpatentable over claims 1-55 of the DiBiase patent.                
          Appellants contend that the patent “teaches the use of a                     
          dispersant which is a carboxylic ester prepared from a succinic              
          acylating agent and an alcohol” and that the claims herein “are              
          directed to specific dispersants which do not include the ester              
          dispersants of DiBiase et al.” (Brief, page 9).  The examiner                
          concedes that the “conflicting claims are not identical,” but                
          that “they are not patentably distinct from each other because               
          the ‘dispersant’ is so broad in the instant claims as to include             
          homologs of the excluded ‘dispersant’ which are claimed in the               
          patent” (Answer, paragraph bridging pages 3 and 4).  We will not             


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