Ex parte HUCKSTEPP - Page 10

                Appeal No. 94-4061                                                                                                            
                Application 07/659,683                                                                                                        

                or component of a whole or of a larger group, class or                                                                        
                aggregate " and thus connotes a physical step.  We also agree5                                                                                                              
                with the appellant that loading instructions in the form of data                                                              
                in a memory normally involves applying voltages to pins of one or                                                             
                more integrated circuit memories in order to store electric                                                                   
                charge in certain electrical components within the circuits of                                                                
                the memory IC's and thus is a physical step.                                                                                  
                                 The examiner further states that the language:                                                               
                `decoding an output of said microprocessor to produce a                                                                       
                respective ... signals... on execution of a respective watchdog                                                               
                instruction' recited in claim 15 does not fully recite the nature                                                             
                of `output' generated as a result of the execution (Examiner's                                                                
                Answer, page 3).  The examiner explains that `an output' is too                                                               
                broad to define the type of signal, because there are so many                                                                 
                different signals output from a microprocessor and that `on                                                                   
                execution' is recited in an ambiguous way, because it is not                                                                  
                clear what executes the watchdog instruction (Examiner's Answer,                                                              
                page 8).  The examiner may be correct that the language "an                                                                   
                output" is broad, but just because language in a claim is broad                                                               

                5    Webster's Third New International Dictionary (G.&C. Merriam                                                              
                Co. 1981).                                                                                                                    


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