Ex parte POLLOCK - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-0448                                                          
          Application 07/825,632                                                      

          used to produce xanthan gum prior to the effective filing date              
          of this application.  Xanthan gum is water-soluble and has a                

          viscosity.  Thus it is useful as a thickener in various food                
          and cosmetic products.  The claimed fermentation method is                  
          characterized by appellants as providing a higher yield of                  
          xanthan gum than had been known in the art prior to this                    
          invention.  The method comprises culturing a strain of                      
          Xanthomonas campestris, wherein the strain has been altered                 
          via the addition of a specific exogenous DNA fragment.  Prior               
          to being altered by an added exogenous DNA fragment, the                    
          unmodified starting strain of the claims is a mutant incapable              
          of xanthan production, referred to as an Xgs  mutant.  The-                               
          source of the added DNA is a genome of Xanthomonas campestris.              
          The claim identifies the added DNA by genomic restriction map               
          segments which are carried on plasmids.  Each of the                        


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Last modified: November 3, 2007