Ex parte POLLOCK - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-0448                                                          
          Application 07/825,632                                                      

          restriction map segments claimed as the added DNA is capable                
          of restoring xanthan production to a mutant strain which has                
          lost its ability to produce xanthan, i.e. an Xgs  mutation.-                           
          See page 9, line 1, through page 11, line 10, and Tables 1 and              
          2 together with their accompanying explanations from the                    
          examples of the specification.                                              
               Claims 28 and 5 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over              
          Rogovin.  Rogovin discloses a fermentation method in which a                

          strain of Xanthomonas campestris is cultured under conditions               
          which are effective for the production of xanthan gum.  The                 
          strain used in Rogovin was obtained from a depository.  The                 
          rejection, as recited on page 4 of the Examiner’s Answer                    
                    It would have been obvious to one of ordinary                     
                    skill in the art to have made xanthan gum by the                  
                    methods of Rogovin et al. employing a xanthan                     
                    gum-producing strain of Xanthomonas campestris.                   
                    Novelty in the starting material and/or the                       
                    final product does not necessarily lend                           
                    patentability to a known process of making.                       
                    The motivation to have used the methods of                        
                    Rogovin et al. would have been that such                          

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