Ex parte POLLOCK - Page 11

          Appeal No. 95-0448                                                          
          Application 07/825,632                                                      

          suggestion in the prior art leading to the recombinantly                    
          complemented Xgs  mutants required in the claimed method, a-                                                           
          prima facie case of obviousness has not been established.                   
               We are aware that parent application, S.N. 07/517,551, of              
          which the instant application is a divisional, has issued as                
          U.S. Patent 5,279,961.  Claim 1 thereof is drawn to a specific              
          bacterial culture referred to as Xanthomonas campestris strain              
          X59-1232.  This strain falls within the genus of strains                    
          required by claim 28 here on appeal.  See U.S. Patent                       
          5,279,961 at columns 19 and 20 (the Results section of Example              
          5) together with the relevant information from Example 1 of                 
          the patent.  Xanthomonas campestris strain X59-1232 is an Xgs-              
          mutant which has been modified by a c1 restriction fragment                 
          from Xanthomonas campestris.  We presume from the subject                   
          matter claimed in this                                                      

          patent that a species within the scope of claim 28 herein is                
          both novel and nonobvious.  We have no basis on this record to              
          conclude that the use of the species claimed in U.S. Patent                 
          5,279,961 to produce xanthan gum would otherwise have been                  


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