Ex parte POLLOCK - Page 8

          Appeal No. 95-0448                                                          
          Application 07/825,632                                                      

          Northern Regional Research Laboratory in Peoria, Illinois.                  
          See the                                                                     

          Summary and the footnote on the first page of Rogovin.  The                 
          strain is designated as Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459.                 
          The reference is silent as to the genetic history of this                   
          particular strain.  We learn from Rogovin that the strain                   
          obtained from the depository is an Xgs strain, which+                                     
          successfully produces xanthan gum.  There is no basis upon                  
          which to find that this strain was an Xgs  mutant which has-                                  
          been complemented by a genomic restriction segment selected                 
          from the group of genomic segments set forth in claim 28.                   
               The examiner appears to accept the novelty of the                      
          bacterium used in the claimed fermentation method.  The                     
          rejection states at page 4 of the Examiner’s Answer:                        
                    Novelty in the starting material and/or the                       
                    final product does not necessarily lend                           
                    patentability to a known process of making.                       
               In response to appellants’ arguments on expectation of                 
          success and unpredictability with respect to xanthan gum                    

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