Ex parte POLLOCK - Page 10

          Appeal No. 95-0448                                                          
          Application 07/825,632                                                      

          evidence is provided beyond the instant disclosure.  The prior              
          art of record does not show knowledge of the critical feature               
          of the invention; i.e., an addition of the DNA segments which               
          are responsible for                                                         
          re-establishing xanthan gum production in an Xgs  mutant.  As-                           
          the Federal circuit stated in Sensonics, Inc. v. Aerosonic                  
          81 F.3d 1566, 1570, 38 USPQ2d 1551, 1554 (Fed. Cir. 1996):                  
                    To draw on hindsight knowledge of the                             
                    patented invention, when the prior art                            
                    does not contain or suggest that knowledge,                       
                    is to use the invention as a template for                         
                    its own reconstruction - an illogical and                         
                    inappropriate process by which to determine                       

                    patentability . . . The invention must be                         
          viewed not after the blueprint has been                                     
          drawn by the inventor, but as it would                                      
          have been perceived in the state of the                                     
          art that existed at the time the invention                                  
          was made. [citations omitted]                                               
               Although the level of skill in this art is high, we find               
          that the person of ordinary skill in this art would not have                
          been led by Rogovin’s teachings to resolve the differences                  
          between the prior art and the claimed invention.  Without a                 

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