Ex parte HERMACH - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-2477                                                          
          Application 08/345,292                                                      

          the teachings of Henrichsen or Sanders in Hall, we believe that             
          the ordinarily skilled artisan would have aligned the tractor and           
          pusher propeller along a common axis, as taught by Henrichsen and           
          Sanders, for the self evident advantages such an arrangement                
          provides, such as, the redundant safety of dual engines with                
          reduced off-axial mass and thrust.                                          
               Regarding the requirement of claim 1 that the housing of the           
          propulsion module comprises a housing with only two engines and             
          that said module is adapted to be installed as the only                     
          propulsion means of the aircraft, the provision of only two                 
          propulsion engines in Hall’s flight component A is considered to            
          be an obvious matter of engineering choice to one of ordinary               
          skill in the art dependent upon design factors such as the amount           
          of thrust desired.  As to the requirement of claim 7 that the               
          tractor propeller and pusher propeller be located respectively              
          forward and aft of the leading and trailing edges of the wing               
          means, it is our view that the ordinarily skill artisan would               
          have recognized this arrangement as being the most                          
          straightforward design approach in applying the aligned tandem-             
          engine teachings of Henrichsen and Sanders in Hall.  In any                 
          event, Sanders discloses such an arrangement.                               


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