Ex parte CHAPIN et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-3912                                                          
          Application 08/087,247                                                      

          turn control individual portions of a photocopying machine.                 
          This is a more distributed processing-type architectural                    
          approach.  In this respect, Federico is more like appellants’               
          broad concept of the disclosure set forth in Fig. 2 of the                  
          drawings.  The examiner offers us no persuasive line of                     
          reasoning as to why the artisan would have found it obvious to              
          combine the teachings into a single system of the two                       
          references relied upon.                                                     
               Assuming for the sake of argument, however, that it would              
          have been obvious for the artisan for some reason to have                   
          combined the teachings of Fisk and Federico, we are not                     
          convinced that the portions relied upon of the two references               
          the examiner makes reference to would have made obvious the                 
          subject matter of at least the independent claims 1, 7, 14 and              
          20 on appeal.  The examiner’s approach is to indicate that                  
          certain portions of representative claim 1, for example, are                
          found in Fisk and that certain portions of this claim are                   
          found in Federico.  The examiner’s approach is to identify                  
          only concepts which appear to be present to the examiner in                 
          each of the respective references that are set forth in the                 
          claims in a rather detailed format such as the details of the               

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