CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 2

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

          URYNOWICZ, PATE, and MARTIN, Administrative Patent Judges.                  
          MARTIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                        

                    The subject matter of this interference is an                     
          electro-acoustic transducer for generating acoustic waves in                
          water.  Count 1, the sole count, reads as follows:                          
                    An electro-acoustic transducer comprising:                        
                         first means for producing acoustic signals in                
                    response to a stimulus, said first means comprising               
                    a plurality of staves, each stave having two ends,                
                    with predetermined shapes, forming an enclosure;                  
                         second means for producing said stimulus,                    
          coupled to said first means; and                                            
                         a spaced apart pair of polygonal shaped end                  
                    plates, each of said staves secured from one end                  
                    plate to the other said end plate.                                
          The claims of the parties that stand designated as                          
          corresponding to the count are:                                             
                         Cavanagh application claims 1-28; and                        
                         McMahon et al. (McMahon) patent claims 1-20.                 
                    This is the second "final" hearing in this                        
          interference.  The first final hearing, held on December 2,                 

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