CAVANAGH V. MCMAHON et al. - Page 5

          Interference No. 102,668                                                    

          sufficient cause (hereinafter, good cause ) for their7                                  
                      8                                  9                         
          belatedness.   After the APJ had issued a schedule  setting                 
          dates for the parties to present priority testimony and to                  
          file records and briefs but before the start of Cavanagh's                  
          testimony-in-chief period, McMahon again raised the foregoing               
          patentability issue by filing a belated § 1.633(a) motion10                 
          accompanied by the first Jones affidavit, the Lindberg                      
          affidavit and a new affidavit by McMahon's counsel, Mark                    
          Bicks, purporting to explain the delay in filing the Lindberg               
          affidavit.  The belated motion was denied by the APJ  because11                      
          the Bicks affidavit failed to show good cause for the delay in              
          filing the Lindberg affidavit.                                              

            Effective April 21, 1995, the term "sufficient cause" in7                                                                      
          § 1.645(b) was changed to "good cause" to be consistent with the            
          terminology used in other interference rules.  Patent Appeal and            
          Interference Practice -- Final Rule, 60 Fed. Reg. 14,488, 14,513            
          (March 17, 1995); 1173 Off. Gaz. Pat. & Trademark Office 36, 57             
          (April 11, 1995) (hereinafter 1995 Final Rule Notice).                      
            Paper Nos. 66 and 72.8                                                                      
            Paper No. 73.9                                                                      
            Paper No. 77.10                                                                     
            Paper No. 80; adhered to on reconsideration in paper No.11                                                                     
                                          - 5 -                                       

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