Ex parte PECK et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2164                                                        
          Application No. 08/277,468                                                  

               The invention, as Appellants describe on pages 5 and 6 of              
          the specification, relates to the structure and fabrication of              
          an electrical feedthrough on a vacuum package enclosure.  On                
          page 5 of Appellants' specification, the vacuum package                     
          enclosure is identified as an enclosure which is meant to be                
          evacuated.  As such, the walls of the vacuum package chamber                
          and hermetic seal of the feedthrough separate ambient pressure              
          from the evacuated portion.  On page 6 of the specification,                
          Appellants identify that the feedthrough includes a ceramic                 
          plate which is sized to be received within an aperture in a                 
          wall of the vacuum package enclosure.  The ceramic plate has                
          several holes bored into it which receive cylindrical pins.                 
          Appellants disclose on page 8 of the specification that the                 
          pins are brazed to the ceramic plate and that the ceramic                   
          plate is brazed to the enclosure. Appellants' fabrication                   
          process, described on pages 8 through 12 of the specification,              
          is such that the assembly is heated once to both braze the                  
          pins to the ceramic plate and braze the ceramic plate to the                
          vacuum housing.  As a result, the electrical feed- through and              
          vacuum housing are only subjected to the brazing temperatures               

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