Ex parte PECK et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1997-2164                                                        
          Application No. 08/277,468                                                  

          are holes to accept pins, and each pin is brazed to the                     
          ceramic plate.  The Examiner also identifies that "Guillotin                
          et al lacks an enclosure and brazing the feedthrough plate to               
          the enclosure."  On page 4 of the answer, the Examiner makes                
          the same assertions concerning Oescheger as discussed above.                
               Appellants assert on page 8 of the brief that the                      
          rejection of Guillotin and Oeschger, is improper for the same               
          reasons asserted with respect to the rejection based upon                   
          Mizuhara and Oeschger.                                                      
               We find that the combination of Guillotin and Oeschger                 
          does not teach or suggest brazing a ceramic feedthrough plate               
          directly to a vacuum package enclosure, where the feedthrough               
          has several holes with pins brazed in the holes.  We find that              
          Guillotin teaches a method of brazing a conductor into a hole               
          in a ceramic feedthrough.  See column 1, lines 1 through 9.                 
          Guillotin teaches that the method produces a fluid-tight seal               
          between the conductor and the ceramic feedthrough.  See column              
          2, lines 26 through 34.  We find that Guillotin does not teach              
          an enclosure, or that the ceramic feedthrough is brazed to the              
          enclosure.  As identified above, we find that Oeschger neither              
          teaches brazing the ceramic feedthrough to the enclosure nor                

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