Ex parte PECK et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1997-2164                                                        
          Application No. 08/277,468                                                  

               concurrently with the step of brazing each feedthrough                 
               pin into its respective pin bore.                                      
          Independent claim 14 contains similar limitations, including                
          "simultaneously with the step of brazing each feedthrough pin               
          into its respective pin bore, brazing the feedthrough plate to              
          the wall of the vacuum package enclosure."  The scope of                    
          dependent claims 13 and 18, includes the device made by the                 
          above method.  On page 5 of the Appellants' specification, the              
          vacuum package enclosure is identified as an enclosure which                
          is meant to be evacuated, thus the walls of the vacuum package              
          chamber and the seal of the feedthrough separate ambient air                
          from the evacuated portion.  In summary, we find that the                   
          scope of independent claims 1 and 14 includes a vacuum package              
          chamber, ceramic feedthrough which has several holes with pins              
          placed therein, wherein the ceramic feedthrough is brazed                   
          directly to                                                                 

          the vacuum chamber at the same time the pins are brazed to the              
          ceramic feedthrough.                                                        
               We find that the scope of independent claim 19, includes               
          an electrical feedthrough on a vacuum enclosure where there is              


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