Ex parte PECK et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1997-2164                                                        
          Application No. 08/277,468                                                  

               Appellants assert on page 5 of the appeal brief (brief)                
          that the combination of Mizuhara and Oeschger do not teach all              
          of the limitations of the claims.  Specifically, Appellants                 
          assert that "Mizuhara does not disclose a vacuum package                    
          structure or brazing a feedthrough plate to such a structure."              
          Appellants also assert that Oeschger's ceramic feedthrough is               
          not on a vacuum package enclosure.  Appellants assert on page               
          5 of the brief that Oeschger's device involves brazing the                  
          ceramic to an intermediate body, item 17, which is welded to                
          the vessel.  Appellants point out that the intermediate body,               
          item 17, of Oeschger's device is not joined to the wall                     
          simultaneously with preparation of the brazed joints.                       
          Appellants assert that "to braze the feedthrough pins to a                  
          ceramic block, to braze the ceramic block to an intermediate                
          body, and to weld the intermediate body to the wall   . . .                 
          certainly is not what the present claims recite."  Further,                 
          Appellants argue on page 4 of the reply brief that the                      
          reliance on art of record, which is not applied in the                      
          rejection, is improper and does not constitute a clear                      
               We find that the combination of Oeschger and Mizuhara                  

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