Ex parte TANAKA et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2848                                                        
          Application No. 08/444,106                                                  

               The claimed invention relates to a magnetic recording and              
          reproducing system utilizing a magnetic disk and a ring                     
          recording head.  The size of the gap of the head is defined in              
          terms of the track widths and the coercive force of the                     
          magnetic recording medium.  More particularly, Appellants                   
          indicate at pages 7 and 8 of the specification that the gap                 
          size is selected so that a generated side fringe magnetic                   
          field erases unwanted signals without erasing data on adjacent              
               Claim 1 is illustrative of the invention and reads as                  
          1.   A magnetic recording/reproducing system comprising:                    
               a magnetic head member including a ring recording head                 
          having a magnetic gap length g and a recording track width Tw               
          and a reproducing head having a reproducing track width Tr;                 
               a rotatable magnetic recording disk having recording                   
          tracks recorded and reproduced by said magnetic head member,                
               wherein said magnetic gap length g is expressed by the                 
          following inequalities:                                                     
               g < (1500/Hc - Hc/4000B + 0.3)/(Hc/400B - 1/2) and                     
               g > (1500/Hc - Hc/4000B + 0.3 - Tp + Tw) /Hc/400B - 1/2),              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007