Ex parte TANAKA et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1997-2848                                                        
          Application No. 08/444,106                                                  

          Knapp-Monarch Co., 296 F.2d 230, 232, 132 USPQ 6, 8 (CCPA                   
          1961); In re Cofer, 354 F.2d 664, 668, 148 USPQ 268, 271-72                 
          (CCPA 1966).                                                                
               Since all of the claim limitations are not taught or                   
          suggested by the applied prior art, it is our opinion that the              
          Examiner has not established a prima facie case of obviousness              
          with respect to the claims on appeal.  Accordingly, we do not               
          sustain the Examiner’s 35 U.S.C. § 103 rejection of                         
          claims 1, 19, and 20 nor of claims 2, 14, and 21 through 33                 
          dependent thereon.  Therefore, the Examiner’s decision                      
          rejecting claims 1, 2, 14, and 19 through 33 is reversed.                   


                         ERROL A. KRASS                )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                                                       ) BOARD OF PATENT              
                         JOSEPH F. RUGGIERO            )     APPEALS                  
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )       AND                    
                                                       )  INTERFERENCES               

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