Ex parte TANAKA et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1997-2848                                                        
          Application No. 08/444,106                                                  

          of complying with the burden of presenting a prima facie case               
          obviousness.  Note In re Oetiker, 977 F.2d 1443, 1445, 24                   
          1443, 1444 (Fed. Cir. 1992).                                                
               With respect to independent claims 1, 19, and 20, the                  
          Examiner, as the basis for the obviousness rejection, proposes              
          to modify the recording and reproducing system disclosure of                
          Koyama which the Examiner asserts discloses a ring recording                
          head having a magnetic gap length g.  As recognized by the                  
          Examiner (Answer, pages 3 and 4), Koyama lacks a teaching of                
          selecting the gap length g so that the recording head                       
          generates a side fringe magnetic field which extends beyond                 
          the width of the recording track.  To address this deficiency,              
          the Examiner turns to Suyama   which describes a recording                  
          head having a recording track narrower than a reproducing                   
          track and which generates side fringe magnetic fields                       
          extending outside a selected recording track.  In the                       
          Examiner’s line of reasoning, the skilled artisan would have                
          found it obvious to modify the recording head of Koyama so as               

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