Ex parte WILLIAMS et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1997-4067                                                        
          Application 08/285,324                                                      

                    (e) diffusing the error value to adjacent pixels                  
               based on the selected set of weighting coefficients.                   

                    14.  A method of binarizing a multi-level pixel,                  
               comprising the steps of:                                               
                    (a) identifying areas of an image to be processed                 
               by a set of first image processing operations and areas                
               of the image to be processed by a set of second image                  
               processing operations;                                                 
                    (b) processing the multi-level pixel with the set                 
               of first image processing operations when the multi-                   
               level pixel is in an area identified as to be processed                
               by the set of first image processing operations and                    
               generating an error and binary value therefrom;                        
                    (c) processing the multi-level pixel with the set                 
               of second image processing operations when the multi-                  
               level pixel is in an area identified as to be processed                
               by the set of second image processing operations and                   
               generating an error and binary value therefrom;                        
                    (d) distributing a weighted portion of the error                  
               to unprocessed pixels based on a first set of weighting                
               coefficients when the multi-level pixel is processed by                
               said step (b); and                                                     
                    (e) distributing a weighted portion of the error                  
               to unprocessed pixels based on a second set of                         
               weighting coefficients when the multi-level pixel is                   
               processed by said step (c).                                            

               The Examiner relies on the following prior art:                        
               Williams et al. (Williams)    5,307,180  April 26, 1994                
               Kanno et al. (Kanno)          5,307,426  April 26, 1994                

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