Ex parte WILLIAMS et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-4067                                                        
          Application 08/285,324                                                      

          first resolution)                                                           
          D         1(d)               --                                             
          E         1(e)- diffusing    1(e)                                           
          E'        1(e)- based on     --                                             

               Thus, roughly, claim 4 of the present application                      
          (which incorporates by reference the limitations of claim 1)                
          recites limitations ABCDEE' and claim 1 of the '821 patent                  
          recites BCE.  We assume that the '821 patent discloses                      
          limitations ADE.  BCE of the '821 patent "covers" the                       
          limitations ABCDEE' of claim 4 now sought to be patented.                   
          Schneller had a similar situation where the claims of the                   
          patent were directed to ABCX and the application claims to                  
          ABCXY were held to extend the term of patent protection                     
          because ABCXY was disclosed to be the best mode in the                      
          patent and Schneller had clearly intended to cover and                      
          protect that embodiment with the claim to ABCX.                             
               However, the second condition of Schneller is not                      
          satisfied.  Here, the present invention, the '328                           
          application, and the application on which the '821 patent is                
          based were all filed the same day and to different                          
          inventions.  Thus, there is good reasons why the present                    

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