Ex parte WILLIAMS et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-4067                                                        
          Application 08/285,324                                                      

          invention was not claimed in the '821 patent or the '328                    
          application.  As Appellants point out (Br13-14), they were                  
          not trying to gain an unjustified or improper timewise                      
          extension of the right to exclude by filing separate                        
          applications as in Schneller.  Thus, this is not a special                  
          Schneller fact situation.                                                   
               Because claim 1 of the present application contains                    
          limitations in addition to those in claim 1 of the '821                     
          patent, the Examiner must shown how those limitations are                   
          obvious.  It is the usual case that subject matter within                   
          the scope of a claim must be shown to be nonobvious; e.g.,                  
          if BCE represents a telephone and ABCDEE' represents a                      
          touch-tone telephone, it is necessary to demonstrate the                    
          obviousness of the combination with the additional                          
          limitations to ADE'.  The obviousness-type double patenting                 
          rejection over the '328 application has the same problems;                  
          i.e., the claims in the present application are narrower                    
          than those in the '328 application.  The Examiner has not                   
          addressed the obviousness of limitations (a), (d), and (e)                  
          and, accordingly, has failed to establish a prima facie case                
          of obviousness-type double patenting over the claimed                       

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