Ex parte WILLIAMS et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1997-4067                                                        
          Application 08/285,324                                                      

          description of the Background of the Invention                              
          (specification, page 2):  "Normally, this identification                    
          process [i.e., segmentation] is necessary so that the                       
          picture aspect of the document can be screened and the text                 
          aspect of the document can be threshold."  That is, there is                
          effectively no error diffusion for pixels in a text region.                 
          Instead, the image signal is quantized by a predetermined                   
          threshold value (col. 8, lines 1-11).  The terms eA, eB, eC,                
          eD (col. 6, lines 25-30) are only for the case when EB is                   
          not zero (a photograph region).  For these reasons, we                      
          conclude that the Examiner has failed to establish a prima                  
          facie case of obviousness.  The rejection of claim 14 is                    
               The rejection of claims 1-15 on the ground of                          
          obviousness-type double patenting is reversed.                              
               The rejection of claim 14 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is                     

                                       - 14 -                                         

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