Ex parte WILLIAMS et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1997-4067                                                        
          Application 08/285,324                                                      

          pixel is present in a photograph region, error diffusion is                 
          used, and when a pixel is present in a text region, the                     
          image signal is quantized by a predetermined threshold value                
          (col. 8, lines 1-11) (because the compensation error (CE) is                
               The Examiner's position is that the weighting                          
          coefficients from the weighting coefficient memory 7                        
          multiplied by the compensation error signal (CE), which                     
          changes depending on the image region type according to the                 
          average maximum density differential signal (AD), constitute                
          first and second sets of weighting coefficients (FR10-11;                   
          EA8).  The Examiner concludes that it would have been                       
          obvious to apply Kanno's method in the segmentation                         
          processing of Williams.                                                     
               Since Kanno shows segmentation of an image into text                   
          and photograph portions, it is not clear why the Examiner                   
          feels it is necessary to combine Kanno with Williams.                       
          Nevertheless, the combination of references is not the                      
               Appellants argue (Br18-19):  "[Kanno's] process of                     
          correcting the error does not affect how the error is                       

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