Ex parte DUFF - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-0073                                                        
          Application 08/273,813                                                      

               Turning to the rejection of claim 2, Appellant argues on               
          pages 15 and 16 that Chadima teaches an end cap for sealing a               
          data communication port.  Appellant further argues, on pages                
          20 and 21, that Chadima’s end cap is sealed from the housing                
          using an O-ring by securing connectors to the housing.  On                  
          page 3 of the reply brief, Appellant adds that the invention                
          as in claim 2 is not implemented using “end caps” made of                   
          metal, but with detachable port covers form-fitted to                       
          respective ports by being made of “soft rubber.”                            
               The Examiner responds to Appellant’s arguments on pages 3              
          and 4 of the answer by stating that Hsieh teaches a clam shell              
          case with the top and the bottom housings connected by hinges               
          while Chadima teaches the sealing of external ports using a                 
          sealing gasket to environmentally seal a portable computer.                 
          In particular, the Examiner points to the abstract of Chadima               
          that teaches a “water tight housing” and a “sealed environment              
          within the housing” for a portable computer.  The Examiner                  
          further argues that Chadima uses O-rings which can be made of               
          different materials such as rubber.                                         
               As pointed out by our reviewing court, we must first                   
          determine the scope of the claim.  “[T]he name of the game is               


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