Ex parte DUFF - Page 13

          Appeal No. 1998-0073                                                        
          Application 08/273,813                                                      

               Appellant’s claim 3, in addition to the “clam shell case”              
          and a “battery pack in the bottom housing,” recites “at least               
          one multiple-mounting handle attached to the bottom housing.”               
          After a review of the specification, particularly page 4,                   
          lines 5 through 9, page 9, lines 20 through line 2 of page 10,              
          and page 11, lines 10 through 13, we fail to find a clear                   
          definition for a “multiple-mounting” handle other than what it              
          reasonably means to one of ordinary skill in the art.  The                  
          specification only suggests that the handle may be attached to              
          different sides of the bottom portion.  Appellant also points               
          to Figs. 1 and 5 for the handle configuration as in claim 3                 
          which is depicted merely as a handle attached at its two ends               
          to the bottom housing.  We therefore find that Appellant’s                  
          claim 3 only requires a handle attached at both ends to                     
          different locations of the bottom housing of a portable                     
               Hsieh, in addition to a clam shell portable computer with              
          a battery pack in the bottom housing, clearly teaches in col.               
          3, lines 31 through 34 and in Figs. 2 and 7 the handle 5                    
          mounted at its both ends on the front side of the bottom                    
          housing.  Chadima                                                           


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