Ex parte DUFF - Page 15

          Appeal No. 1998-0073                                                        
          Application 08/273,813                                                      

          stabilizing tray from the portable computer.  Appellant                     
          further states that Katz uses VELCRO to attach the computer to              
          the tray where claim 4 requires stabilizing strips on the                   
          exterior surface of the bottom housing.                                     
               The Examiner on page 6 of the answer responds to                       
          Appellant’s arguments by stating that it would have been                    
          obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to add the                      
          stabilizing strips to the bottom of Hsieh’s computer.  The                  
          Examiner further argues that stabilizing strips are known                   
          means to prevent slippage and Katz teaches adding such means                
          to the bottom of a portable computer.                                       
               Claim 4 in addition to the “clam shell case” and an                    
          "exterior surface on which the portable computer rests,"                    
          merely requires “stabilizing strips located on said exterior                
          surface.”  We find that Katz teaches the addition of means to               
          prevent slippage to the bottom of the portable computer.  Katz              
          discloses in col. 3, lines 22 through 27 and in col. 4, lines               
          53 through 55  that VELCRO strips may be affixed to the                     
          computer and the tray to hold it in place.  We find that Katz               
          is concerned with stabilizing a portable computer while it is               
          being used and                                                              


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