Ex parte DUFF - Page 14

          Appeal No. 1998-0073                                                        
          Application 08/273,813                                                      

          in Figs. 16 and 17 also teaches the handle 30 attached to the               
          bottom housing of a portable computer using fasteners 85 and                
          86.  Both Hsieh and Chadima show handles mounted at both ends               
          which are therefore multiple-mounting.                                      
               Chadima is concerned with the specific location of the                 
          handle for ease of handling and transportation which is                     
          comparable to Hsieh’s rationale for providing a handle on the               
          front side for holding and carrying the computer.  We conclude              
          that the Examiner has provided sufficient reason for one of                 
          ordinary skill in the art to combine Chadima’s portable                     
          computer having a different location for the handle with                    
          Hsieh’s clam shell computer having a multiple-mounting handle               
          attached to the front side of the bottom housing.  Because                  
          Appellant’s claim 3 does not require a particular handle other              
          than one that is mounted on its two ends at different                       
          locations on the bottom housing, we affirm the Examiner’s                   
          rejection of claim 3 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over Hsieh and                   
               In regard to the rejection of claim 4, Appellant argues                
          on pages 28 and 29 of the brief that Katz teaches a separate                


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