Ex parte ANHAUSER et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-0244                                                        
          Application No. 08/531,890                                                  

                                    THE INVENTION                                     
               The invention relates to “a process for the continuous                 
          production of transdermal therapeutic patches having a backing              
          layer, a pressure-sensitive adhesive drug-reservoir-layer, and              
          a removable protective layer, wherein the loss of active                    
          substance caused by production is minimized” (specification,                
          page 1).  Claim 3 is illustrative and reads as follows:                     
              3. A process for the continuous production of transdermal              
          therapeutic patches having a backing layer, a pressure-                     
          sensitive adhesive drug-reservoir-section and a removable                   
          protective layer, in which the loss of drug during fabrication              
          is minimized, comprising the steps of                                       
               providing a laminate which is present in a tape form and               
          comprises a pressure-sensitive adhesive drug-free backing                   
          layer and a removable protective layer,                                     
               inserting individual quadrangular pressure-sensitive                   
          adhesive drug-reservoir-sections lengthwise one after the                   
          other between the layers, the clearance between said drug-                  
          reservoir-sections in longitudinal direction remaining                      
          constant and the width thereof being dimensioned such that                  
          said backing layer and said removable protective layer project              
          beyond said drug-reservoir-section at all sides thereof,                    
          whereafter the pressure-sensitive adhesive drug-free backing                
          layer is cut by punching in  such a manner that the punching                
          line surrounds the external dimensions of the individual drug               
          reservoir sections,                                                         
               removing the resulting latticed refuse of the drug-free                
          pressure sensitive adhesive backing layer, and                              
               then cutting the protective layer in the resultant spaces              
          between the drug-reservoir-sections.                                        


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