Ex parte ANHAUSER et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1998-0244                                                        
          Application No. 08/531,890                                                  

                                    THE PRIOR ART                                     
               The references relied upon by the examiner as evidence of              
          obviousness are:                                                            
          Blackford et al. (Blackford)       2,862,846                Dec.            
          2, 1958                                                                     
          Szycher et al. (Szycher)           4,638,043                Jan.            
          20, 1987                                                                    
          Seth                               4,844,903                Jul.            
          4, 1989                                                                     
          Morgan                        4,867,821                Sep. 19,             
          Sablotsky                          4,994,267                Feb.            
          19, 1991                                                                    
                                    THE REJECTION                                     
               Claims 2 through 4 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as               
          being unpatentable over Seth in view of Szycher, Sablotsky,                 
          Morgan and Blackford.                                                       
               Attention is directed to the appellants’ brief (Paper No.              
          29) and to the examiner’s Office action dated July 22, 1996                 
          (Paper No. 23) and answer (Paper No. 30) for the respective                 
          positions of the appellants and the examiner with regard to                 
          the merits of this rejection.                                               
               Seth, the examiner’s primary reference, discloses an                   
          adhesive plaster or patch for the transdermal administration                


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