Ex parte ANHAUSER et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-0244                                                        
          Application No. 08/531,890                                                  

          2 which depends from claim 3, as being unpatentable over Seth               
          in view of Szycher, Sablotsky, Morgan and Blackford.                        
                              NEW GROUNDS OF REJECTION                                
               The following rejections are entered pursuant to 37 CFR                
          § 1.196(b).                                                                 
               Claims 2 through 4 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                 
          first paragraph, as being based on a specification which fails              
          to comply with the written description requirement of this                  
          section of the statute.                                                     
               The test for determining compliance with the written                   
          description requirement is whether the disclosure of the                    
          application as originally filed reasonably conveys to the                   
          artisan that the inventor had possession at that time of the                
          later claimed subject matter, rather than the presence or                   
          absence of                                                                  
          literal support in the specification for the claim language.                
          In re Kaslow, 707 F.2d 1366, 1375, 217 USPQ 1089, 1096 (Fed.                
          Cir. 1983).                                                                 
               Independent claims 3 and 4 recite a continuous production              
          process which includes, inter alia, the steps of (1) providing              
          a laminate in tape form comprising a pressure-sensitive                     


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