Ex parte MUKAWA - Page 3

          Appeal No. 98-0599                                                          
          Application 08/434,029                                                      

                               The Rejection on Appeal                                
               Claims 31-34 and 36 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103               
          as being unpatentable over Kato.                                            
               Claim 35 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                
          unpatentable over Kato and Sakaguchi.                                       
               The appellant has grouped claims 31-34 and 36 together                 
          for single treatment in this appeal. (Br. at page 5).                       
                                    The Invention                                     
               The claimed invention is directed to an optical disc or                
          recording medium comprising a single-piece disc-shaped                      
          transparent substrate having a recess formed in a first                     
          surface around a center hole and a magnetic member inserted                 
          into the recess thus closing the center hole.  The substrate                
          has a second surface parallel to the first surface and an                   
          annular rib projecting from the second surface around the                   
          center hole.  Claims 31 and 36 are the only independent claims              
          on appeal and are reproduced below:                                         
                    31.  An optical recording medium comprising:                      
                    a single-piece disc-shaped transparent substrate                  
               having a first surface, a second surface parallel to                   
               the first surface, and a center hole formed at a                       
               center of the disc-shaped transparent substrate,                       
               with the center hole extending through the                             
               transparent substrate in a direction from the first                    

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