Ex parte MUKAWA - Page 15

          Appeal No. 98-0599                                                          
          Application 08/434,029                                                      

          cartridge rib is engageable with the annular rib projecting                 
          from the second surface of the substrate.                                   
               Kato’s disk cartridge evidently does not include any                   
          cartridge rib on the second surface.  However, it does show                 
          annular ribs extending from the second surface of the                       
          substrate.  The examiner identifies in Sakaguchi a cartridge                
          rib extending from the second surface of the disk cartridge                 
          towards the second surface of the disk substrate, but can                   
          point to no annular rib extending from the second surface of                
          Sakaguchi’s disk substrate.                                                 
               The examiner concludes, however, that it would have been               
          obvious to add a cartridge rib to Kato just as it is disclosed              
          in Sakaguchi, to prevent the entry of dust and other                        
          contaminants at the opening.  According to the examiner, “such              
          protective walls, dams and other structures are widely used to              
          inhibit the ingress of dust in order to make the cartridge as               
          airtight as possible without compromising functionality”                    
          (answer at 7).  The appellant has not disputed the examiner’s               
          finding that protective walls, dams, and other structures as                
          such are widely used to inhibit the ingress of dust.  Thus,                 
          the examiner has not been shown to have erred in making that                


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