BRAKE v. SINGH - Page 78

               Interference 102,728                                                                                                  
               ordered on December 1, 1982.  However, we find no mention on the referenced page                                      
               that there is no other use for the oligonucleotide other than for loop deletion                                       
               mutagenesis.  As to the former page (Bates No. 108), we agree that the 24-mer is                                      
               complementary to the nucleotide sequence of the four amino acids at each end of the                                   
               “sequence at the junction.”  However, we find no mention of the 24-mer on this                                        
               notebook page (probably because it was not ordered until a week later), and thus, no                                  
               mention that there is no other use for the oligonucleotide.  It is not clear to us, and                               
               Singh has not explained, how the combination of these two pages establishes that                                      
               there is no other use for the 24-mer other than for loop deletion mutagenesis.                                        
                       Turning to notebook pages Bates Nos. 131-132, we find two handwritten                                         
               notebook pages from Dr. Singh’s notebook dated “1/5/83” and witnessed on “6/13/86.”                                   
               The upper right hand corner of Bates No. 131 contains an insert from an undisclosed                                   
               publication which is entitled “RESTRICTION MAP OF M13mp 8.”  As to the two                                            
               handwritten pages, we point out that documents do not speak for themselves; they                                      
               must be explained.  See 37 C.F.R. § 1.671(f)45 which requires a witness to explain the                                

                       45 37 C.F.R. § 1.671 (f) states “[T]he significance of documentary and other                                  
               exhibits shall be discussed with particularity by a witness during oral deposition or in an                           
               affidavit.”  See Notice of Final Rule at 48447, col. 3 1050 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office at 416, in                          
               1984 the rules were amended to require the particularized explanation of material in                                  
               non-self authenticating documents.  The commentary explained that “[B]y providing in                                  
               the rules that documentary evidence must be explained, the PTO hopes to save both                                     
               parties and the Board considerable difficulty in presenting and evaluating evidence.”                                 
                       Here, because of the complexity of the biotechnology art, and the uniqueness of                               
               its terminology, it is important that a witness’s explanation as to the content of a                                  
               document be sufficiently clear and detailed as to the specific entries in the exhibit(s)                              
               relied upon in order for the Board to make a proper analysis of the record.  It is not                                
               sufficient to provide a bare allegation that certain work was done citing certain pages of                            

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