BRAKE v. SINGH - Page 85

               Interference 102,728                                                                                                  
               the exact complementarity needed to accomplish the loop deletion method; however,                                     
               we hold that Singh has failed to satisfy its burden of proof, by a preponderance of the                               
               evidence, that Dr. Singh conceived of the complete and operative loop deletion method                                 
               prior to January 12, 1983, because Singh has (i) not provided any evidence which                                      
               establishes when the loop deletion method was actually developed, and that Dr. Singh                                  
               knew of this method, and (ii) only demonstrated that Dr. Singh ordered or knew of one                                 
               of the two oligonucleotide primers needed to perform loop deletion mutagenesis, prior                                 
               to the critical date.  The loop deletion mutagenesis technique requires a second primer,                              
               the LAC primer.  Singh has not pointed to any evidence which demonstrates that Dr.                                    
               Singh understood the need for the LAC primer prior to January 12, 1983.                                               
                       Accordingly, in view of the foregoing, we hold that Singh has failed to prove, by a                           
               preponderance of the evidence, that Dr. Singh had complete conception of an invention                                 
               within the scope of the count prior to Brake’s critical date of January 12, 1983.                                     

               VIII.   Diligence                                                                                                     
                       Since we hold that Singh did not conceive of an invention within the scope of the                             
               count prior to Brake’s effective filing date of January 12, 1983, the issue of diligence of                           
               the inventor to a reduction to practice is moot.                                                                      
                       However, even if we assume, arguendo, that the Singh record establishes                                       
               conception of the subject matter of the count, then we would hold that said record does                               
               not establish reasonable diligence from a time just prior to Brake’s entry into the field.                            


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