BRAKE v. SINGH - Page 89

               Interference 102,728                                                                                                  
                       Thus, we hold that Singh has failed to establish diligence from (i) a date prior to                           
               Brake’s critical date, and (ii) to Singh’s subsequent reduction to practice.                                          
                       In view of our holding, we need not consider Singh’s remaining evidence of                                    
               diligence and reduction to practice.                                                                                  

               X.      JUDGMENT                                                                                                      
                       In view of the foregoing, judgment as to the subject matter of the count is hereby                            
               awarded to BRAKE, the senior party.                                                                                   
                       Accordingly, on the present record, SINGH is not entitled to a patent containing                              
               his claims 8 and 19 through 21, corresponding to the count.                                                           

                               JOAN ELLIS                                             )                                              
                       Administrative Patent Judge                                    )                                              
                                                                              ) BOARD OF PATENT                                      
                               FRED MCKELVEY                                          )    APPEALS AND                               
                               Senior Administrative Patent Judge )  INTERFERENCES                                                   
                               SALLY GARDNER-LANE                                     )                                              
                               Administrative Patent Judge                            )                                              


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