Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                      Page 10           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

          “[b]y logical extension, a second disk failure would result in              
          a RAID level-0 disk array.” (emphasis original) From the Chen               

          article, it is not altogether clear as to whether the quote is              
          from the Gibson paper or the Chen article.  The quote does not              
          appear in the Chandy paper.  the Gibson paper is of record.                 
          However, only an abstract of the Gibson article appears in the              
          application file.  Also of note is the fact that no arguments               
          regarding this quote relied upon by the examiner, are made by               
          the appellant in the reply brief.                                           
               "Where a reference is relied on to support a rejection,                
          whether or not in a ‘minor capacity,’ there would appear to be              
          no excuse for not positively including the reference in the                 
          statement of rejection."  In re Hoch, 428 F.2d 1341, 1342 n.3,              
          166 USPQ 406, 407 n.3 (CCPA 1970).  It is clear that the                    
          references to the Rathunde patent and the Chen article have                 
          not been included in the statement of the rejection set forth               
          by the examiner.  In view of our analysis, supra, we conclude               
          that the references to the Rathunde patent and the Chen                     

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