Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

          We note that the Chen article is a “survey” article which                   
          discusses a number of published papers.  The published papers               
          of Reddy and Chandy (Chandy) and Gibson, referred to in the                 
          Chen article have publication dates prior to appellant’s                    
          filing date.  If the examiner intends to rely upon the Chandy               
          and Gibson papers, the examiner should rely upon the actual                 
          papers in order to establish publication dates for these                    
          papers that are prior to appellant’s filing date.  In                       
          addition, the examiner should rely upon the actual papers of                
          Chandy and Gibson to clearly establish the precise portions of              
          the Chen article that are attributed to each of Chandy and                  
          Gibson.  Appellant (reply brief, page 5) questions the                      
          examiner’s findings of teachings attributed to the Chandy                   
          paper, stating “[i]f it is assumed that the examiner intends                
          to attribute the expanded concept of parity sparing entirely                
          to the earlier Chandy reference, then such attribution is                   
               In addition, the examiner (answer, pages 8 and 10)                     
          attributes the following quote in the Chen article to Gibson:               

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