Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                      Page 11           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

          article, as well as the papers to Chandy and Gibson cited in                
          the Chen article, are not properly before us for decision on                
          appeal.  Consequently, we will limit our determinations to the              
          teachings of the Jones and Ewert references relied upon by the              
          examiner in the statement of the rejection.                                 
               As per claims 1-3, the examiner acknowledges with respect              
          to Jones (final rejection, pages 2 and 3) that “[n]ot                       
          explicitly taught is reconstructing data blocks over parity                 
          blocks.”  To overcome this deficiency in Jones, the examiner                
          turns to Ewert. The examiner asserts (final rejection, page 3)              
          that Ewert “teaches remapping of data blocks (abs.).”  In the               
          opinion of the examiner (id.) it would have been obvious to                 
          “modify the invention of Jones with a remap routine that would              
          allow remapping of a bad data block to another block (i.e.,                 
          parity).  This modification could be accomplished by making                 
          use of any                                                                  
          remap-routine, such as the one disclosed by Ewert et al.”                   
               Appellant asserts (brief, page 17) with regard to claims               
          1 and 2 that                                                                

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