Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                       Page 4           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
               Ewert et al. (Ewert)     5,166,936           Nov. 24, 1992             
               Jones et al. (Jones)     5,313,626           May  17, 1994             
               Chen et al., "RAID: High Performance, Reliable                         
               Secondary Storage", ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 26,                    
               no. 2, June 1994.                                                      
               Claims 1-3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being               
          unpatentable over Jones in view of Ewert.                                   
               Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced              
          by the examiner and the appellant regarding the above-noted                 
          rejections, we make reference to the examiner’s answer (Paper               
          No. 14, mailed January 21, 1997) and the final rejection                    
          (Paper No. 6, mailed April 7, 1995) for the examiner’s                      
          complete reasoning in support of the rejections, and to the                 
          appellant’s brief (Paper No. 15, filed January 22, 1996) and                
          reply brief (Paper No. 17, filed March 24, 1997) for the                    
          appellant’s arguments thereagainst.  Only those arguments                   
          actually made by the appellant have been considered in this                 
          decision.  Arguments which the appellant could have made but                

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