Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

          derived from a reading of exemplary claims 1 and 3, which are               
          reproduced as follows:                                                      

               1. In a storage system having n+1 disks arranged in                    
               a RAID array, a plurality of data blocks arranged                      
               into a plurality of data chunks, a plurality of                        
               parity blocks arranged into a plurality of parity                      
               chunks, each parity block associated with n data                       
               blocks in n data chunks, said data chunks and said                     
               parity chunks distributed over said n+1 disks, one                     
               of said parity chunks and all of said data chunks                      
               that are associated with said parity chunk forming a                   
               strip, a method of reorganizing said data chunks                       
               when one of said n+1 disks fails, comprising the                       
               steps of:                                                              
                    detecting the failure of one of said n+1 disks;                   
                    determining if said failed disk contains all                      
               parity chunks;                                                         
                    if said failed disk contains all parity chunks,                   
               terminating said method;                                               
                    if said failed disk contains at least some data                   
               chunks, then for each strip containing a data chunk                    
               located on said failed disk, regenerating the data                     
               of said data chunk located on said failed disk and                     
               writing said regenerated data onto said parity chunk                   
               associated with said data chunk of said failed disk                    
               to form a fully folded array.                                          

               3.  In a storage system having n active disks and                      
               one failed disk formerly organized into strips when                    
               said failed disk was active, a plurality of data                       
               blocks arranged into a plurality of data chunks,                       

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