Ex parte KRANTZ - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1997-2242                                       Page 8           
          Application No. 08/084,370                                                  

          The examiner states (answer, page 7) that the new prior art is              
          cited to show the state of the art in view of appellant’s                   
          argument, for the first time, that the references to Jones and              
          Ewert “are not capable of being combined to produce the                     
          claimed invention.”  However, the examiner has not listed                   
          either of these two references in the statement of the                      
          rejection.  In addition, the examiner only refers to the newly              
          cited Chen article in the “Response to argument” (italics                   
          original) section of the brief.  From our review of the                     
          examiner’s answer, we are not aware of any reference to the                 
          Rathunde patent, other than Rathunde being listed in the                    
          examiner’s answer under the heading of “New prior art.”                     
          Accordingly, the record is unclear as to how the examiner is                
          attempting to rely upon the Rathunde patent.                                
               Appellant asserts (reply brief, page 5) that the Chen                  
          article has a publication date of June 1994, which is later                 
          than the filing date of appellant’s application, and is                     
          therefore not entitled to prior art status relative to the                  
          claimed invention.                                                          

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