Ex Parte MOVALLI et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-1962                                                        
          Application No. 08/697,421                                                  

               The claimed invention relates to a method and system for               
          generating a secure endorsed transaction.  Transaction data and a           
          unique identifier are received as inputs, and a unique code is              
          generated which constitutes a secure endorsement of the transaction         
          by a party corresponding to the unique identifier.                          
               Claim 1 is illustrative of the invention and reads as follows:         
          1.   A computer-implemented method of generating secure endorsed            
               transactions, the method comprising:                                   
          receiving transaction data corresponding to a transaction and               
          at least one unique human identifier; and                                   
               generating a unique code from the transaction data and the             
          unique human identifier, wherein the unique code constitutes a              
          secure endorsement of the transaction by the party corresponding to         
          the unique human identifier.                                                
               The Examiner relies on the following prior art:                        
          Griffith et al. (Griffith)    4,825,050           Apr. 25, 1989             
          Spies et al. (Spies)          5,689,565           Nov. 18, 1997             
                                                  (filed Jun. 29, 1995)               
          Donald W. Davies (Davies), “Use of the ‘Signature Token’ to Create          
          a Negotiable Document,” Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of              
          Crypto 83, 377-82 (1983).                                                   
               Claims 1-23, 25-27, and 29-31 stand finally rejected under 35                                                                     
          U.S.C. § 103.  As evidence of obviousness, the Examiner offers              
          Davies in view of Griffith with respect to claims 1-4 and 25-27,            
          and adds Spies to the basic combination with respect to claims 5-23         
          and 29-31.                                                                  


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