Ex Parte MOVALLI et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2000-1962                                                        
          Application No. 08/697,421                                                  

               Rather than reiterate the arguments of Appellants and the              
          Examiner, reference is made to the Briefs1 and Answer for the               
          respective details.                                                         
               We have carefully considered the subject matter on appeal, the                                                                     
          rejection advanced by the Examiner, the arguments in support of the         
          rejection and the evidence of obviousness relied upon by the                
          Examiner as support for the  rejection.  We have, likewise,                 
          reviewed and taken into consideration, in reaching our decision,            
          Appellants’ arguments set forth in the Briefs along with the                
          Examiner’s rationale in support of the rejection and arguments in           
          rebuttal set forth in the Examiner’s Answer.                                
               It is our view, after consideration of the record before us,           
          that the Examiner has not established a prima facie case of                 
          obviousness with respect to claims 1-23, 25-27, and 29-31.                  
          Accordingly, we reverse.                                                    
               We also use our authority under 37 CFR § 1.196(b) to enter a           
          new ground of rejection of claims 1.  The basis for these                   
          conclusions will be set forth in detail below.                              

               1 The Appeal Brief was filed April 19, 2000 (Paper No. 23).  In response
          to the Examiner’s Answer dated July 19, 2000 (Paper No. 24), a Reply Brief was
          filed September 21, 2000 (Paper No. 25), which was acknowledged and entered by
          the Examiner in the communication dated January 31, 2001  (Paper No. 27).   

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