Ex Parte MOVALLI et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2000-1962                                                        
          Application No. 08/697,421                                                  

          Briefs.  Our interpretation of the disclosure of Davies coincides           
          with that of Appellants, i.e., there is no indication in Davies             
          that a unique identifier is used in the generation of digital               
          signature 16 which the Examiner has identified as corresponding to          
          the claimed generated unique code.  In reaching this conclusion, we         
          construe the claimed feature of ”a unique human identifier” to be           
          very narrowly defined, as argued by Appellants and disclosed in the         
          instant specification, as an identifier which is “...associated             
          with an individual that is unique to the individual and non-                
          transferable.”  (Specification, page 14, lines 18-21).                      
               We agree with Appellants’ assertion (Brief, pages 14 and 15)           
          that, from every indication in Davies, the customer identity item           
          (5 in Davies’ Figure 1), identified as the unique identifier in the         
          statement of the grounds of rejection at page 4 of the Answer, is           
          not used in the generation of the digital signature.  To the                
          contrary, the description of Davies’ Figure 1 indicates that only           
          data items 9-15 are involved in the generation of the digital               
          signature 16.                                                               
               We are cognizant of the fact that the Examiner, in the                 
          “Response to Argument” portion of the Answer at page 10, suggests           
          that, contrary to Appellants’ contention, a unique identifier is in         
          fact used to create Davies’ digital signature.  In drawing this             

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