Ex parte KHALIDI et al. - Page 10

                 Appeal No. 1999-2252                                                                                                                   
                 Application 08/780,790                                                                                                                 

                          "a writer adapted to permit the application to direct                                                                         
                 that the data of the memory object associated with the fast                                                                            
                 buffer be transferred to a sink device along a first data path                                                                         
                 without copying the data into main memory along a second data                                                                          
                 path unless the application attempts to access via a memory                                                                            
                 fetch/store, any portion of the transferring data."                                                                                    
                          We agree with Appellants that neither Druschel or Krieger                                                                     
                 teach this limitation.                                                                                                                 
                          Druschel teaches  that when a PDU arrives from the18                                                                                               
                 network "An fbuf is allocated in the kernel, filled, and then                                                                          
                 transferred . . ."  (emphasis added).  In addition, Druschel                                                                           
                 teaches  "The optimization integrates buffer management and19                                                                                                                        
                 cross-domain data transfer facility by placing the entire                                                                              
                 aggregate object into fbufs" (emphasis added).  Druschel                                                                               
                 therefore requires copying to fbuf for data transfer without                                                                           
                 determining whether or not the data has been modified.                                                                                 
                          Krieger teaches  that for the interface modules the I/O20                                                                                                 
                 read algorithm requires "Read first calls salloc to . . .,                                                                             
                 then copies the data from the allocated region to the user                                                                             
                 specified buffer" (emphasis added).  In addition, Krieger                                                                              

                          18Page 194, section 3.2.2.                                                                                                    
                          19Page 195, section 3.2.3.                                                                                                    
                          20Page 80, left column.                                                                                                       

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