Ex parte KHALIDI et al. - Page 15

                 Appeal No. 1999-2252                                                                                                                  
                 Application 08/780,790                                                                                                                

                 limitations in lines 5-7 of claim 17.  The general statements25                                                                       
                 by the Examiner in regard to this rejection do not address                                                                            
                 these claim limitations.                                                                                                              
                          Therefore, we will not sustain the rejection of Claims                                                                       
                 17-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                                                                                
                 Appellants' admitted prior art in view of Aichelmann and Dong.                                                                        
                 C.  Rejection of claims 21 and 22 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                            
                 unpatentable over Appellants' admitted prior art.                                                                                     
                          Claims 21 and 22 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                     
                 being unpatentable over Appellants' admitted prior.                                                                                   
                          Appellants argue  that the cited references do not teach,26                                                                                              
                 suggest, or render obvious (I) a data transfer method                                                                                 
                 involving a computer system having application and operating                                                                          
                 system instructions stored in main memory, and (ii) the data                                                                          
                 of the memory object associated with the fast buffer being                                                                            
                 transferred to a sink device without storing the data in the                                                                          
                 main memory during transfer.                                                                                                          

                          25Answer, page 6.                                                                                                            
                          26Brief, page 11.                                                                                                            

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