Ex parte KHALIDI et al. - Page 11

                 Appeal No. 1999-2252                                                                                                                   
                 Application 08/780,790                                                                                                                 

                 teaches  that the major advantage of using ASI as the21                                                                                                                        
                 interface is that "[d]ata is copied from the library to the                                                                            
                 application buffer with the stream unlocked, [sic] allowing                                                                            
                 for greater concurrency . . ." (Emphasis added).  Krieger                                                                              
                 therefore requires copying of data to the buffer.                                                                                      
                          Although Krieger states  "[d]ata copying occurs only when22                                                                                   
                 the application transforms the data between the system input                                                                           
                 and output buffers," this copying is between buffers or                                                                                
                 allocated memory regions, and not copying of data from a                                                                               
                 source device external to main memory, to the fast buffer in                                                                           
                 main memory, as claimed.                                                                                                               
                          In addition, the Examiner has made the following three                                                                        
                 statements directed to the aspects of the invention found                                                                              
                 obvious and the reasons why they were obvious.  First, that                                                                            
                 read()/write() calls which are used to transfer data between a                                                                         
                 device and an application program resident memory location                                                                             
                 "could be modified to take an operating system resident fast                                                                           
                 buffer argument (representation) as opposed to an application                                                                          

                          21Page 80, middle column.                                                                                                     
                          22Page 77, left column; figure 1(c).                                                                                          

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