Ex parte KHALIDI et al. - Page 14

                 Appeal No. 1999-2252                                                                                                                  
                 Application 08/780,790                                                                                                                

                 B. Rejection of claims 17-20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                                 
                 unpatentable over Appellants' admitted prior art in view of                                                                           
                 Aichelmann and Dong.                                                                                                                  
                          Claims 17-20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                         
                 being unpatentable over Appellants' admitted prior art in view                                                                        
                 of Aichelmann and Dong.                                                                                                               
                          We note that although the Examiner cites the Dong                                                                            
                 reference in the first sentence of this rejection, the                                                                                
                 Examiner's Answer, the final rejection, and the Office action                                                                         
                 immediately preceding the final rejection,  fail to further                23                                                         
                 mention Dong or point to any specific sections of this                                                                                
                 reference relied upon by the Examiner for this rejection.                                                                             
                          Our analysis of claim 17 reveals that this claim recites                                                                     
                 at lines 5-7 substantially the same limitations of claim 1,                                                                           
                 subparagraph (C), we analyzed above  and found lacking in     24                                                                      
                 Druschel, Krieger and Aichelmann.  Our analysis of Dong shows                                                                         
                 this reference discloses the management of a buffer pool to                                                                           
                 achieve efficient use of resources, and not the claim                                                                                 

                          23Paper No. 15.                                                                                                              
                          24Page 8.                                                                                                                    

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