Ex Parte RAJSKI et al - Page 2

              Appeal No. 2001-2425                                                                                          
              Application No. 09/276,474                                                                                    

              data in a normal mode of operation are also employed, via logic, in a test mode to                            
              emulate a plurality of linear feedback shift register (LFSR)-based segments to generate                       
              test patterns for peripheral devices having associated parallel scan registers coupled to                     
              the processor core of the integrated circuit.                                                                 
                     Representative independent claim 8 is reproduced as follows:                                           
                     8.   An integrated circuit comprising:                                                                 
                             a processor core including data paths for processing data in a                                 
                     normal mode of operation;                                                                              
                             a plurality of peripheral devices having associated parallel scan                              
                     registers coupled to the processor core; and                                                           
                             operating logic to operate the data paths of the processor core in a                           
                     test mode of operation to emulate a plurality of linear feedback shift                                 
                     register (LFSR) - based segments interconnected by a network of linear                                 
                     functions to generate deterministic test patterns for the peripheral devices.                          
                     The examiner relies on the following reference:                                                        
                     Bullinger et al. (Bullinger)         4,947,395             Aug. 07, 1990                               
                     Claims 8-28 and 35-51 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable                             
              over Bullinger.                                                                                               
                     Reference is made to the briefs, paper no. 5, [non-final rejection] and the answer                     
              for the respective positions of appellants and the examiner.                                                  


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